How to reduce the stress of hosting
Thanksgiving can be stressful, but we’ve got you covered!
Hosting for the holidays can be an extremely stressful experience for some people. With the holiday season coming around, we’re here to offer you some tips about how to reduce the stress of hosting a party for the holidays!
Tip #1: Divide and Conquer!
- The stress of hosting a party can easily be reduced by dividing up the labor. Find a co host that is willing to take some of the stress away from hosting a party all by yourself. Get the family in on it as well! Cooking is always more fun with a partner!
Tip #2: Plan Ahead!
- Creating a “Party Plan” can easily help reduce some of the stress of attempting to host a party. Once you have a date, start listing items and activities that need to get done ahead of time then list things that need to get done the day of. This party plan will be your go to for the days leading up to your event and it makes a great way to organize your thoughts!
Tip #3: Take it from Us!
- Our Thanksgiving Care Package is filled with essentials for this holiday season. Equipped with sweet treats such as our pumpkin crunch popcorn, hosting necessities like an Amazon gift card, and fun activities like Dominos, this gift set really is filled with holiday hosting must-haves!
Tip #4: Keep it Simple!
- Your party does not have to be picture perfect or lavish like Tahani’s from The Good Place. It can be simple and fun! A basic party set up, classic food options, and simple decorations really can make a party feel more intimate and relaxing for guests!
Tip #5: Just have fun!
- Embrace the craziness! It’s all about your mindset, if you feel ready for the insanity that comes with hosting, you’ll be ready for anything. Your guests have all been there before, they understand the hard work that goes into holiday party hosting and appreciate the effort you’ve made. So just have fun with it and celebrate with the ones you love!
Our various gift sets are equipped with everything you need this holiday season. Check out some more of what we have to offer here!