10 tips and tricks to prepare for 2022
The new year is always a time for reflection and rebirth, but getting prepared for the New Year can be difficult! There is still so much to do and it can sometimes feel like you’re running out of time. To help you out, we have designed and listed the 10 very best tips and tricks to help you and your family prepare for a successful 2022!
1. Review Your Year
A little self-reflection is always extremely helpful! Review what you accomplished in 2021, and what you still need to accomplish. Reassess the new habits you’ve established and which ones you want to keep and which ones need a little tweaking. Looking back on these little aspects of yourself can help you organize what you want to focus on this upcoming new year!
2. Goal Setting and Dream Planning
Sit down and think long and hard about your goals for this year and what dreams you have always wanted to accomplish. It can be something small like reading a certain number of books or something big like finally going skydiving! Whatever you want to accomplish this year, write it down and that will help make it possible!
3. Plan Your Upcoming Year
Going through each month and establishing the little things you want to accomplish, any events you have that month, any fun things you want to do, and how you want to spend your free time can be a great way to get yourself organized and excited for what the new year will bring!
4. Create a Vision Board or Calendar
If you like to be creative, this is a great way to start off the new year! A Vision Board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals and can help get you started when deciding how you want to start your new year. A calendar is a great way of physically planning out your new ideas and goals for the new year by setting yourself a “due date” for each dream!
5. Make a Bucket List
Similar to the Vision Board, creating a bucket list allows you to set up what dreams you have and goals you wish to achieve within the year. All of these accomplishments feel so much more satisfying when you get to check them off of a list!
6. Clean Out the Clutter
That’s right it’s time for a deep clean! There’s no better time than the new year to finally delve into that deep clean mode where you scrub everything down and finally get rid of all the things you don’t need. This is a really great way to physically feel as though you are preparing for the new year and is a great practice for all those who feel the need to get organized.
7. Make a Wellness Plan
A healthy and happy new year is what it’s all about! Planning meals can help keep you organized for shopping purposes as well as keeping you and your family healthy. Planning exercises to do on certain days and taking days off can be extremely helpful as well! Also taking the time to practice a little self-care. Our gift sets and care packages make the perfect self-care gift to yourself whenever you need it! Check out our various offers here!
8. Create New Habits
It takes roughly 30 days to start a new habit and keep it, so what better time to try than the new year! Find some new healthy habits you wish to start and choose how and when you’ll begin them during each month of the new year so they become a part of your regular routine! Pro tip: don’t try all of them during January! That’s the quickest way to fail at keeping them. Spread them throughout the year that way they become a part of you every year from now on!
9. Detox Your Life
No, we’re not talking about a juice cleanse. A detox means getting rid of anything toxic and negative that keeps you from living your healthiest life, that means physically, mentally, or spiritually. If there is something that you know is hindering you from being healthy and happy whether it’s a mental block or a physical eyesore, get rid of it! This can really help clear out all the bad negativity and toxicity for the new year.
10. New Year’s Resolutions
It’s time for the classic “New Year, New Me” conversation. It is possible to have New Year’s resolutions that actually get accomplished, the number one problem with these resolutions is commitment. You have to commit in order to accomplish it!
We hope these various tips and tricks help you and your family plan your new year out right! Don’t forget to take some time out of the business to really decide how you want to better yourself and take care this upcoming new year. Take a look at our various gift sets and care packages as an option to make sure you start the new year off right! Each one is equipped with various tasty snacks and treats, essential premium items, fun activities, self-care options, and so much more!