Spring Horse Care

Fun Time For Horses

Winter is hard on horses. The grass dies, so they can’t graze as freely as they might like. Cold weather has meant they had to spend far more time than they’d like trapped in a stable under a blanket. Your horse has spent all winter longing for the day when the weather would heat up and they could run around again. You want to make the most out of your horse’s spring and summer. Here’s how!

Time For Vaccines

If your horse socializes with other horses, whether that’s at a race, a track, a show, or just a friend who also owns horses, you’re going to want your horse to be vaccinated. Horses might not be susceptible to all of the same diseases as humans, but they do get sick and need vaccines in a similar way. The warmer months are always better for taking your horse out to events and friends. If you are planning to take them somewhere, or if you haven’t done it in a while, you should consider scheduling your vaccines right at the start of spring. That is when your horse needs it most.

Watch The Grazing

Your horse is going to be extremely excited to be grazing again. That is going to be a lot of fun to watch. There is nothing quite as much fun as seeing your horse happy and at peace. But be careful. Eating too much grass can cause health issues for your horse. Now that your horse is grazing more, you’re going to need to be more vigilant about protecting their health.

Check Your Gear

Some of your horse’s gear hasn’t been used all winter. The rest of it has been used every day, all winter long. Now is a good time to inspect your gear and see what needs to be repaired, or replaced. Are there tears or holes in your horse’s winter blankets? Do their shoes need to be replaced? How is your saddle and saddlebag holding up? A thorough inspection of your horse’s gear is the best way to ensure that the upcoming months will be pleasant and smooth for both of you.

Get Ready For Shedding

Your horse is going to be shedding their winter coat. You’re probably going to be tempted to just brush it all out and be done with it. However, there are advantages to letting your horse’s hair shed on its own, not the least of which is just saving time. The vast majority of the hair will shed away fairly quickly. By waiting until it has done so, you can turn a few hours brushing a horse into a quick job.

Spoiling Your Pony

Getting to see your horse happy is wonderful. Do you know the only thing better than seeing them happy? Making them happy! Happy Pet Crate offers the best gift boxes for your equestrian companion. Treat them to their favorite treats, toys, and gear as they enjoy the warmer weather with the Happy Horse Gift Box.

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