Happy Veterans Day!

Here are some ways to observe Veterans Day! 

November 11th is Veterans Day! There are many different ways to observe and celebrate Veterans Day. It only takes a few minutes out of the day to give thanks to military veterans both past and present so here are just a few ways to show your gratitude! 


In the Workplace

1. Hanging posters or flags- putting up posters and American flags around the office can be a great way to remind coworkers and employees how important this holiday is for so many. 

2. Hold a meal- hosting a workplace meal can be a great way to show support for military family members and veterans that are a part of your organization. Getting people together for a meal and discussing the importance of the holiday can also be a great educational tool for those who may not have personal experience with the military. 

3. Organize a moment of silence- adding a point in the day to have a moment of silence for veterans and other military members can help remind people in the workplace how important this holiday is for so many. 


In the Community

1. Donate food and clothes to veterans charities- help show your gratitude for those who have served as military members by donating to various veterans charities. Many of these charities will take canned/boxed food donations, clothing donations, and monetary donations. 

2. Attend a Veterans Day celebration- most communities and towns will host a celebration of some sort to commemorate veterans and their families. Attending these celebrations is a great way to connect with your personal community of veterans as well as show them gratitude for their service. 

3. Send a care package- creating or sending a care package to servicemembers overseas is a great way to show your appreciation for their service. We have plenty of gift sets and care packages available for you to send!


In the Household

1. Take the family to a VA Hospital- teaching your family about the importance of Veterans Day can be a highlight of the holiday. Taking the family to visit a VA hospital can be an incredibly educational experience for everyone and there will be plenty of helpful people willing to give out information. 

2. Fly the flag appropriately- there is a proper way to display the U.S. flag. Researching how to display it and going through the process together can be a great way for your household to show military support. 

3. Participate in the VA’s #BeThere campaign- this campaign was created as a way to remind military members and veterans that their community is there for them. If you know a veteran, be sure to do something kind for them on this day. You can make it a family affair by baking a treat for them or creating a card and delivering it all together. 


Veterans Day is a holiday dedicated to showing our veterans and military members just how grateful we are for their service. Send them a care package with us to show your gratitude! We have many different offers available, so check some out here

The post Happy Veterans Day! appeared first on My Hero Crate.


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